I am amazed at what I learn from my kids, daily. I believe they both have taught me something today...
So the story goes like this...
Mommy downstairs cleaning. Kids upstairs, just waking up from napping. Both kids are in Carson's room coloring (completely normal). Carson comes to the top of the stairs to show me a picture he colored and returns to his room. Several minutes later Caelyn is standing at the top of the stairs saying, 'Mommy, look Ray cut my hair!' Both kids are in to this 'just kidding' or 'just joking' So as begin up the stairs my eyes are welling up. Caelyn also become tearful. Carson is now standing with his back against his wall. I pick Caelyn up and run my hands through her hair, clumps are falling out in my hands. When I asked why Carson did this he says, 'It was long'. True, I give him that. We were going Wednesday for haircuts. And he did have about 95% of the hair in the trash can (not on the floor). I also asked Carson why he did not ask me first... he said, 'I didn't know I had to ask'. This from the boy who, honestly, asks permission to use the restroom, every time!
I put Carson on his bed and Caelyn and I walked down stairs so I could cool off. So I then called Chad, who thought I was kidding. I frantically called my hairstylist who will meet us first thing tomorrow. I walked back upstairs to 'talk' to Carson and this is what I found.

Now please notice the scissors located in his back pocket! Enough to make my skin crawl!! And I couldn't be mad at him, he was sound asleep. Aparently he is terrified of me.

Hair so gorgeous... so as soon as I calmed down, gave Caelyn lots of love and told her she was beautiful she was better. It was kinda cute though, as she was sobbing she kept saying, 'mommy, I so mad'.

Now, I know all of you are thinking, 'why were they playing with scissors?'. Well it wasn't the huge, very sharp, orange handled ones. It was a pair of 'safety' scissors (maybe the safety was off!). And apparently a huge portion of development for Carson's age is learning to cut all sorts of ways. The both have been doing great. We have had multiple discussions reagarding the right way to carry scissors, and on and on.
So, what my children have taught me today is that I am as much to blame as they are. I am so lucky that Carson didn't do lasting damage, like cutting her ear off. I have also learned that Caelyn is still a beautiful little girl full of personality. Besides, this makes for a great story in a few years. We were also thinking Carson should have his head shaved on Wednesday.
So, not exactly how we wanted Easter pictures, or school pictures (next week). But, we will definitely keep you updated!
I LOVE the picture of him on the bed! Wow... it really conveys sadness... guilt... and innocence... all at the same time! perfect!
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