Angels, due dates, and silent nights...?
CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) - An image caught on a security camera at Presbyterian Hospital has everyone talking.
It was taken by the mother of a 14-year-old patient who wasn't expected to survive. She says the image is an angel who brought a miracle into her family.
Chelsea Banton was born 5 weeks premature and has endured chronic health problems her entire life. But this past September, a battle with pneumonia almost ended her life. Doctors at Presbyterian Hospital gave her mom, Colleen, devastating news.
"He said we've done all we can do," said Colleen Banton.
So Colleen made the heart-breaking decision to take her daughter of off life support. An hour later, something caught the hospital staff's attention.
"I was in the waiting room, my sister was inside and she says, you have to come and look," said Banton.
What she wanted her to see was a image on the security camera near Chelsea 's hospital room. It shows a bright light in the shape of an angel just outside of the doorway.
"I said oh wow, that's an angel and the nurse practitioner she's standing there and she said I've been working here for 15 years and I've never seen anything like this," said Banton.
While doctors and nurses crowded around the monitor, something else was happening-- Chelsea was getting better. "About an hour later, we took the mask off and her sats were higher then they'd ever been, doctors and nurses were amazed," said Banton
Three months after she arrived at the hospital, Chelsea got to go home. She'll live to see her 15th birthday on Christmas day and Colleen has no doubt what she saw on that monitor saved her daughter's life.
"I've never seen anything so bright, so beautiful," said Banton. "I don't think I would have brought Chelsea home from the hospital if the angel had not appeared."
To see more about "The Angel" click here
Just an example of our chaos....
Caelyn cookin' cookies for daddy!
Due dates....
This picture deserved it's own post. This was Monday December 15th, my due date. I was at my postpartum check up with the best Ob in the whole world! You are my hero Dr. B! She is 32 weeks pregnant here, with her 3rd!
Silent nights....
Carrigan had her 1 month well-check today. Completely hard to believe it's already been a month, now almost 5 weeks. She is officially 9 pounds and 21 inches long (we sure are glad she was early!) She did have a fever yesterday and a snotty nose. So no immunizations. She did sleep the best she ever has, last night... silent night huh? She went to sleep about 9:00 and at 5:00 I heard her being snotty. I felt bad because she hadn't eaten in many hours, so she ate, and went back to sleep until 8:00. Absoutely crazy!
Kids are wildly ready fo Christmas!
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