Baptism Sunday

Today was baptism Sunday...
Once again Carrigan was the center of attention. While we were terrified of Carrigan spitting up all over her dress (we honestly considered a trash bag, rain-x or scotchguarding it), she did amazing. Much of our family attended...Pops & Nana, Gary & Judy, Brian, Harriet & Lorelai and the might as we be family... James and Jody! We totally appreciate everyone coming out on such a cold rainy Sunday to celebrate this special day. Unfortunately Pastor Steve was feeling a little under the weather so he didn't hold her, but we appreciate not exposing her to all of the ailments he had. Almost receiving more attention than Carrigan was her amazing dress, hand crocheted by great-grandma. It is truely amazing. We are so lucky to be able to give our girls these dresses! Thank you, thank you, thank you! While we were sitting in the pew getting Carrigan dressed (we didn't dare take her in the dress for risk of spitting up), Carson looks over and says, 'Mom why is she wearing that gigantic dress?'
Special thanks to Pops and Nana for having a 'sleep over' with the kids! We love having you guys!

'The' baby bump!

BTW.... James and Jody you need to start a baby blog!!
Blooper for the day.... Carrigan crying and Caelyn sticking her tongue out! My perfect little family!
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