Ground Hog Day....
I totally forgot that it was ground hog day. Carson came home from school and completely filled me in. One of the best things about his kindergarten teacher is that she is vigilant at keeping the kids up to date on current events. They held their own mock election, they talk about Sasha and Malea in the white house. So of course they discussed ground hog day. His homework was to see if 'phil' saw his shadow. We watched and watched and no mention... so if anyone know the answer please let us know!
To our surprise we were eating dinner, we looked outside and it was a blizzard (ok a NC blizzard!), but still we could barely see the nieghbor's house. It lasted about an hour, long enough to throw some snow balls! A great surprise for a Tuesday night!
I'm just beginning to enjoy our week nights at home. The kids will soon be starting swimming lessons, soccer and t-ball for Carson. I can handle just a couple more weeks of cold evenings spent at home.
My camera is still MIA, luckily I have my 'big' one. Here are just a couple pics from the last couple days...

Yes, I know Caelyn needs her hair cut. Immediately after these pictures last night I cut her bangs myself. She'll get it cut at the end of the week.
I tried and tried to get a picture of Carrigan smiling... maybe better luck tomorrow.
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