The Michael Way..

Carrigan had her 4 month well visit today. She 15.9 pounds! Dr. Mike says she's healthy, healthy, healthy!
On another note... Caelyn had her first sleep over! She did great, never even looked back.

We're SUPER excited about our long weekend trip to Atlanta. Very hard to believe Jaiden will be 3!
T-ball games start next Monday. Carson and buddy Luke are the older boys on the team this year. A year really makes a difference, they are markedly quicker and stronger. Soccer started last night. Still several weeks left of gymnastics! We'll defiinitely have some tired kids at night!
Chad is busier than ever as he embarks on yet another part-time job! Still fire 'stuff'.
We had a show-stopping poop from Colton this morning that required a bath in order to get out of the house. It's such a glamorous life!
Glad to see we're all in the same boat!
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