The 'fourf' of July...

We celebrated Independance Day in style this year!
We thought we would take advantage of the firemen that came and set some fireworks off... Besides what better to be neighborly? The boys did a fantastic job with the pyrotechnics! Even the neighbors (not the nasty ones) were cheering!We had a pool party! Lots of food and friends... here are a couple of pics.

We then went to our annual fireworks 'spot'... the Faith Fireworks! This is a true Rowan County event. One that we can only 'do' once a year. Seems there are more rednecks and more drunks every year. We were not disappointed this year!
Seems it's pretty 'All American' to have pictures of kids on motorcycles on the 4th!

These last 2 pics weren't taken on the fourth, just couldn't resist them...

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