Carson is on his last 2 weeks of school. He is very ready. We've signed him up for some 1/2 day camps this summer, a full day camp in Hendersonville and a week long trip to FL...by himself!
Caelyn has officially graduated from pre-k, only to do it again next year. She does know now that she will be 'repeating' but I'm not sure she understands that it isn't kindergarten. Graduation was very sweet. The pictures are on the broken laptop.
We spent yesterday in Asheville for Ben's birthday. It was a beautiful day and a nice party. The pictures are from our day.
Carrigan has grown literally overnight! She can now roll over both directions and sit-up. She's also eating baby food, our attempts to help her sleep better.
We had a great visit from grandma! She kept the kids busy, and they kept her tired!
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