Bizzy, bizzy week!

We are just getting back in the swing of things... soccer, t-ball, homework, doctors, dentists, PTA meetings, haircuts, birthday parties, sleepovers, bake sales, field trips and more! That's just one week, we'll see what next week brings.

Carrigan is still coughing pretty bad, but it hasn't hindered her smiling spirit. She's as happy as ever (even if no one is sleeping)! She's now getting breathing treatments every 6 hours, which seems to help minimally. Hopefully we're on the down side. No she's not rolling over, crawling, sitting up or talking back yet. We're just enjoying her cute little personality.

Carson was reluctant to go back to school after spring break, more because he had to wake-up at a certain time. He's been super busy reading, reading and more reading. For meeting his Accelerated Reader goal he gets to have a 'lock-in' at school! We are anxiously planning his birthday party. Mark your calendars... it will be May 2, not sure of the time. Carson was very sweet to share his party with me.

Caelyn has had a rough week getting back to routine. She's unhappy about napping, but it is still very apparent she needs one. I actually drug her off the soccer field crying where she proceeded to pee on herself. All in all that was a great day!

Oh, and Chad and I celebrated our 8 year annivasary on Tuesday. I'm not sure if it's harder to believe I've been married for 8 years, that I have 3 kids or that my oldest son is almost 6! We do know that we are extremely blessed all around.
I still have lots more pics to add... so keep checking back!
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