Carolina Lily

We recently visited a Salisbury 'hot spot'... of which we knew nothing about! It's a fantastic garden, store, restaurant...not really sure. Occasionally they have special events and this particular event was Butterfly... something or other. Since my mom was in town Caelyn and I thought it would be perfect. We packed up some friends and a nice big blanket. The kids colored and decorated butterflys, they dressed up, ran around chasing butterflys and even did the butterfly boogie! They were lucky enough to have 2 teachers come read a special butterfly story to them. This is Mrs. Ritchie (Carson and Caelyn's k-teachers best friend, and co-k teacher. And Mrs. Nicely, Carson's k-assistant) What a great surprise!

Caelyn has even been 'featured' on the Carolina Lily blog! Check it out!
Much, to much to blog regarding the other Michaels.... Carson has been at overnight camp, had his big 7th birthday party! Carrigan is wild as ever and Caelyn has danced herself silly at her first dance recital! She is even spending a whole week with grandma in FL! I have so much to blog, and so little time.
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