Happy Birthday Caelyn!!

Here'e brother getting in on the action!
So thanks to everyone who helped make her day special! Tomorrow she will have a party at school, and we're planning a special evening...of which includes having people make a big fuss over her and sing happy birthday. (At restaurants she likes to think they are coming to sing to her!)
Over the weekend we also attened the Rowan County Fair. Rednecks at their finest! We had a blast! The kids, yes and I rode an elephant! We (mostly them) inhaled a funnel cake. Caelyn even discovered on her own how to dip it back into the powdered sugar.
oh, the hat! Caelyn and I went to a consignment sale where we found a gorgeous sweater... it came with this hat. She wore it for 24 hours straight, then tried to wear it to school today. It is pretty cute!