Sunday, November 22, 2009

'Out baby doll

We have, yet again, realized that our children are so different. Caelyn (even to this day) has never played with a baby doll. Therefore, we have eliminated most of them from the house. Carrigan got one for her birthday and she (or they) haven't been the same since. 'Charlie' goes most places with us. Really sweet.

Carrigan is now almost running, even the last 48 hours we can se a huge difference in her walking. Now if we could just get her to keep shoes and/or socks on those frozen toes!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy Birthday...

Our almost walking, almost one-year-old!

So this was our 12th birthday party, and we finally have it 'down'! Shouldn't everyone just start with kid #3?

Carrigan saw the 'big kids' drinking their juice boxes, so she had to try. It was too cute!

This was her inital reaction to putting the cupcake in front of her! Keep going, she didn't have any problems inhaling it!

This is my favorite from Saturday.

Carson got his tooth stuck in the netting for the bounce house, it works very well for extracting teeth! All I want for Christmas is... my 2 front teeth!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Baby love...

I cannot believe how fast the last year has flown by, in 2 short weeks Carrigan will be one! Completely amazing that this time last year I was miserably pregnant. She has grown so much over the last several days. She now can sign more and all done. She occasionally plays peek-a-boo, mostly laughing hysterically. She can say mama, dada, and nana, 'No No!' and wave bye-bye. She took 10 steps yesterday, on her own. She is still 24 pounds (hasn't gained any in 3 months!) She loves the bath tub, insists on snuggle time before bed but is absolutely ready to be alone when she falls asleep. Unplanned as she was, someone else knew our family would not be complete with her giggles, her thighs and her food on the floor.