Friday, August 28, 2009

Just a couple pics I found. !

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First day of school!

It's finally here! All of our hard work to get Caelyn into kindergarten... has paid off! Both kids started school today. Carson has Mrs. Dixon for first grade. We think she will be great! Caelyn has Mrs. Ritchie... Carson's kindergarten teacher. They have staggered start for kindergartners. Only 4 kids were at school today! Caelyn enjoyed the attention. The bus ride home was successful! What a cute team!
We are anticipating a super busy year... stay tuned!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Miles of Mooresville!

I did it! I ran my first 5K! Was a great night with some great friends. My goal was to finish and to at least run a 10-min mile. I averaged a 9 min 28 sec mile and finished in 28 minutes 23 seconds! What fun!

Here is proof that I didn't finish last!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

2 fer tooth fairy!

It seems the tooth fairy has been quite busy at the Michael home.

Carson lost 2 teeth, within 24 hours. The first (bottom) just disappeared.
It fell out before he knew it. Yes, I believe he swallowed it. He wasn't really happy with that idea, but a crying hysterical 6-year-old in Target, on tax free weekend. Yes, I would have about told him anything! So getting him to pull the second one was much easier. Nothing like a little peer pressure. It came out without hurting (so he says), and just a little blood!

I think he looks completely different. Guess he really is ready to start first grade!

Carrigan is also growing my leaps and bounds. In one day she said 'bye-bye' while waving and got her first tooth. The next day she is crawling... the next day crawling faster and pulling up and then the second tooth! I can barely keep up!

Carson is spending a week with cousin Ben (and family) to attend camp!

Caelyn spent several nights with Pops and Nana, coming home spoiled rotten. I think she divulged their secrets- Pops let Caelyn ride in the front seat of his truck with no seatbelt- twice! She had a hard time falling asleep so they let her sleep in their bed. She had ice cream for supper... ok, so that's pushing it! She had a blast! Thanks Pops and Nana!

I love this next picture... it's my MIT (mommy in training). Caelyn is checking Carrigan for a 'stinky'! I can't believe she actually did it!

Caelyn is gearing up for kindergarten, we are relishing the last 2 weeks of summer vacation! We are super excited that Caelyn will be able to start a year early! We will hopefully get Carsons teacher from last year, Mrs. Ritchie. She was amazing!

We are getting ready for our Mexico trip, only 6 weeks! The biggest debate now is if I should become dive certified before we go (because we have so much extra time!)

And I'm still in the midst of training for the 8k I've signed up for.... September 19th seems so far away... yet way too close. It seems the harder I push the harder my legs push back. My shins still hurt a lot, but it's becoming easier to tolerate them. Hopefully a new pair of shoes are in my future! My most recent time running 4 mile is 38 minutes. An 8k is 4.97 miles. My next goal is a mini-triathalon. Yikes!