Big Kindergartner!!
Only a hint of the crazy lives we lead. Enjoy the story, if you can keep up!
Just a couple of quick pics to see what we've been up to....
We even took a trip to daddy's fire station and made the guys cookies! They loved the attention (both the kids and the guys!) Here they are passing around the milk!
So we are taking the kids to Carowinds tomorrow! The weather has been cooler, and it's one of our last days together before school starts. Wednesday Carson has his kindergarten assessment. We're really unsure what it is or why they are doing it, hopfully after Thursday we'll be a little more prepared to start. We are still amazed that we have a kindergartner! He is still very excited to start.
On another note, Chad has shingles. He has several small areas on the back of his head, behind his ear and on his jaw bone. The rash has mostly subsided, however the pain remains. He is unable to tolerate the pain meds, so Ibuprofen is the strongest he is taking. The docs say that shingles makes an appearance in times of stress.... I can't imagine what he has to be stressed about?
So, that's all for now. we keep you updated on school, Chad and baby status!