I can honestly say that I have sucked at sports most of my life. I tried real hard, it just didn't happen for me. Well, maybe not a big deal for some... but I placed 2nd today in a 5k! ok.... 2nd for my age group... don't be fooled. I was 45rd overall. I wasn't actually running with the intent to place, just to finish. It's actually the same course as I will be doing on the triathlon (in 7 short weeks). I was only mildly intimated by some very good runners I work out with.
All morning Caelyn was talking about winning an award, a trophy, a medal... something. I was like, 'ya, ya whatever!'. I went to get them out of the child care so they could see this! Caelyn was honestly more excited than I was.

Oh, and yes the person that beat me for first place beat me by 2 seconds.
This is a running buddy of mine, she placed 2nd in her age group also. kinda fun!

Oh, ironically enough this was the 'Salisbury Fire Dept, St. Patrick's Day 5k run! Love some firemen :)