The 'C' Michael's
Only a hint of the crazy lives we lead. Enjoy the story, if you can keep up!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Carson's school is having a project to collect the most 'box tops for education'. We have collected these are our house for years as they are a great way for schools to get money (not donated by parents). So, if you have any could you please send them our direction? If not- you should start collecting.... then send them our way!
Thank you, Thanks you, Thank you.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
2 months already..?
We had her 2 month apt today. She weighs 11 pounds 14 ounces. Which is 50%. Carson at 2 months weighed 14 pounds (starting at 8.9), Caelyn weighed only 10 pounds (starting at 6.4)- this was just after the time she was hospitalized and lost a bunch of weight. Anyways, Carrigan is right on track! Happy and healthy, can't ask for much more.

The 3 shots she got today weren't much fun, but she has been a trooper!

She was started on an acid reflux med today to see if we can remedy her excessive spitting-up. Anything would be an improvement!

Wow! Obviously too many dress up clothes! I'm not even sure Caelyn realized what a mess she made... oh wait... I'm know she didn't!

She was started on an acid reflux med today to see if we can remedy her excessive spitting-up. Anything would be an improvement!

Wow! Obviously too many dress up clothes! I'm not even sure Caelyn realized what a mess she made... oh wait... I'm know she didn't!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I see eyeballs!
I'm not sure when this started... sometime shortly after we brought Carrigan home we made such a big deal about her being awake. Whenever anyone saw her awake they'd say, 'I see eyeballs!'. The kids still say this over and over. I thought this was an appropriate title for the pictures that follow! I hope you like them, I sure did!

I just thought this one was sweet... a moment captured without daddy knowing!
Visit with Pop, Nana and the whole gang. Thought these turned out well...

The Princesses
Typical Caelyn drama!
BUSTED!! Too cute!!
Sweet Lilly.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
My meatloaf

I'm not sure how the 'meatloaf' thing came about, but it has certainly stuck. Carrigan is my 'meatloaf'. Round and squishy and yummy in all the right places! She is now 6 weeks old, hard to believe. She continues to be more alert. Still no intentional smiles, but maybe starting to coo a little. She still proves to be an excellent sleeper. She definitely comes by it honestly.

I started back to work yesterday. It was only 1/2 a shift, but felt more like 2 shifts. It was nice to be surrounded by friends and encouraging words, many of which began with, 'you are already back?'. My first 12 hour shift isn't until Saturday.

Over the weekend we visted family. For the first time, we officially forgot our daughter. We were packing up to leave and we had put her down in the swing. She was fast asleep and we walked out, hands full, and left her in the swing. My stepmom noticed first. Well, we had had dreams that it has happened... and at least we didn't leave her in the car. It's hard to leave the talking kids some where.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Row, row, row your boat...
I honestly didn't know what to name this blog. You'll understand, just keep reading.
Happy New Year! We spent New Years Eve organizing. Go figure. Most of the evening was spent organizing and reorganizing Christmas decorations. Honestly, it was nice to have it over with and put away. Still so much kid stuff around here! Clothes, clothes and more clothes!! Arrh! But on a lighter note...Carrigan slept for 8 hours in one stretch. I think we even wore her out, or maybe we were just too tired to hear her cries. Se continues to spit up, a lot! I think it bother us more than her. She is still amazingly calm. She is beginning to smile, I still think it's nonpurposeful. But she is such a pleasure to have around. I've even gotten the kids calling her 'baby meatloaf'.
I do have to mention that Chad did got up with Carrigan this week. We had worked out so hard that my legs just wouldn't work. I just asked and he got up, first time. No complaining! Wow.
Thanks to mom for the great bath robes! They are definitely a hit! Thanks also for the seat cushion for Carrigan's room, it's beautiful.
Here is James and Caelyn playing 'dress- up' I'm so glad Caelyn has friends that like the same things she does!!