Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Michael Way..

I had to add this picture, because of course she did this at the most opportune time- as we were walking out the door. This was a bath kind of poop!

Carrigan had her 4 month well visit today. She 15.9 pounds! Dr. Mike says she's healthy, healthy, healthy!

On another note... Caelyn had her first sleep over! She did great, never even looked back.

We're SUPER excited about our long weekend trip to Atlanta. Very hard to believe Jaiden will be 3!
T-ball games start next Monday. Carson and buddy Luke are the older boys on the team this year. A year really makes a difference, they are markedly quicker and stronger. Soccer started last night. Still several weeks left of gymnastics! We'll defiinitely have some tired kids at night!
Chad is busier than ever as he embarks on yet another part-time job! Still fire 'stuff'.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

One quick pic-

Today we discovered our toes and Mr. Frog. From the picture... both are a hit!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Leprechaun chasin'

We couldn't resist the idea of a party. Chad (me & the kids) took Carson a 'leprechaun party'. Complete with green cupcakes, apples and green juice! The kids were hilarious as they showed off the leprechaun traps. I honestly don't know that I have ever celebrated St. Patrick's Day this much. The photo above is Carson's class (plus Caelyn), Mrs. Ritchie and their student teacher, Ms. Limdsey.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Baptism Sunday

Today was baptism Sunday...

Once again Carrigan was the center of attention. While we were terrified of Carrigan spitting up all over her dress (we honestly considered a trash bag, rain-x or scotchguarding it), she did amazing. Much of our family attended...Pops & Nana, Gary & Judy, Brian, Harriet & Lorelai and the might as we be family... James and Jody! We totally appreciate everyone coming out on such a cold rainy Sunday to celebrate this special day. Unfortunately Pastor Steve was feeling a little under the weather so he didn't hold her, but we appreciate not exposing her to all of the ailments he had. Almost receiving more attention than Carrigan was her amazing dress, hand crocheted by great-grandma. It is truely amazing. We are so lucky to be able to give our girls these dresses! Thank you, thank you, thank you! While we were sitting in the pew getting Carrigan dressed (we didn't dare take her in the dress for risk of spitting up), Carson looks over and says, 'Mom why is she wearing that gigantic dress?'
Special thanks to Pops and Nana for having a 'sleep over' with the kids! We love having you guys!

'The' baby bump!

BTW.... James and Jody you need to start a baby blog!!

Blooper for the day.... Carrigan crying and Caelyn sticking her tongue out! My perfect little family!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Just one year ago....

Just one year ago...

I was conceiving the child we didn't expect.

gas prices were $3.51 a gallon.

Just one year ago...

We will never forget...:)

Can't believe it's already been a year. Who knew we'd be getting baby # 3 baptized this weekend! Wow! We have a lot to be thankful for.
We'll post pics from the baptism tomorrow, looks like it will be a great celebration!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Just too beautiful...

Sorry, it's just been too beautiful outside to update the blog. Maybe when it starts raining!

Monday, March 2, 2009

One more day!

Bear with me... I'm typing one handed (baby in the other).

So the call came last night after putting the kids to bed- No school! Chad was so concerned about getting to work that he contemplated spending the night at the station. He finally decided just to leave early, 4:30 early, (I think I actually still consider that late from the night before..)

Both kids were really excited! We awoke to 7 inches. I knew it was going to be a long day trapped inside...we painted toe-nails, did 'spring cleaning' (at least that is what Carson called it), vacuumed, mopped, changed air conditioning filters, made muffins, emptied the dishwasher and folded 2 loads of laundry. That was all before 10:00! I promised Caerson as soon as Carrigan went down for her 'big nap' we'd go outside. Caelyn was being punished, so she stayed inside. Here are the pics we got. The air was surprisingly not freezing, and have officially mastered 'the snow gear'. It was actually pleasant!

Just when I was counting down the hours until my (therapeutic) aerobics classes in the morning...I received the call! No school again tomorrow. I'm doomed...

Luckily we can all sleep in and since the roads are much better we'll get out and do all of our errands... Caelyn will be so happy!

Beautiful and undisturbed...

5 inches on the back deck.

This pic makes me giggle.. Carson's unsuccessful attempt at my 'ride'!
Just couldn't resist this sweetie!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Odds & Ends...

Amazing to see that she actually fits into this hat now... check back a couple of postings to see how it was falling off of her! Reflux seems to be getting better. She is still on the 2 meds. We aren't complaining at all!

Silly picture from work... We made a photo album for a friend that was leaving.

Just a quick pic before running out the door to church! We officially joined our new church today. Most of you already know that we'll be getting Carrigan baptized on March 15th. We hope everyone can come celebrate with us.
Our busy, busy spring is already beginning. Carson starts t-ball practice this Wednesday. He will practice twice week until opening day on March 28. Caelyn still has gymnastics on Thursday evenings. She has moved up to the next level, and is doing well. We are anticipating starting soccer within the next few weeks also. Although I will have many opportunities to take pictures, who knows if I will have the time to post them!