Happy Birthday Pops!!
Missing you Pops! Can't wait to see you this weekend! Hope you have a Happy Birthday!! (This is our 'just waking up' look!)
Only a hint of the crazy lives we lead. Enjoy the story, if you can keep up!
Missing you Pops! Can't wait to see you this weekend! Hope you have a Happy Birthday!! (This is our 'just waking up' look!)
Our visit to the pediatrician..
Due dates....
This picture deserved it's own post. This was Monday December 15th, my due date. I was at my postpartum check up with the best Ob in the whole world! You are my hero Dr. B! She is 32 weeks pregnant here, with her 3rd!
Silent nights....
Carrigan had her 1 month well-check today. Completely hard to believe it's already been a month, now almost 5 weeks. She is officially 9 pounds and 21 inches long (we sure are glad she was early!) She did have a fever yesterday and a snotty nose. So no immunizations. She did sleep the best she ever has, last night... silent night huh? She went to sleep about 9:00 and at 5:00 I heard her being snotty. I felt bad because she hadn't eaten in many hours, so she ate, and went back to sleep until 8:00. Absoutely crazy!
Kids are wildly ready fo Christmas!
Complete and total bliss for someone... She seems to sink into our bed and pass out for hours on end. Gone are the days I could sleep like this!
This should have been our Christmas card.
'Tis the season!! It's definitely Christmas when Caelyn walks around the house making up her own Christmas carols!
In memory of Sydney... I was looking back through old photos to see how much Carrigan resembles Caelyn. I found this pic and I just couldn't resist! This was February 2005!